Category Archives: democrats

Media “Scientists” and why did they gaslight the world? “Freedom is the ability to ask a question. Communism is the inability to ask a question”…

You can’t ask questions, you are not free, right? Are we free at the moment?

“Today We Witness the Most Evil and Heinous Crime in History of Our Country – Another Attempt to Rig and Steal Election” – GLOVES OFF! Trump BLASTS Biden and Marxist Thugs After Arraignment

Our President Trump, he says what’s going on… right?


Just watch and remember what they did the last 3.5 years… Socialism, Marxism, Communism… are all Totalitarianism, right? The government controls the people, and it means no freedom for the people, right?

Final Days Worldwide

THE DEEP STATE LIED: Durham Report Destroys ANY INKLING of Trump-Russia Collusion – Strzok Knew NO ONE in Trump Camp Contacted Russia, Blows His Court Case Out of the Water…

It was all a lie and people lost, got charged, for the lies from the democrats, right? Is this treason?

Washington Democrat Governor Inslee Signs Controversial Bill Allowing Government to Take Away Minors From Parents If They Refuse to Agree to Gender Transition Surgery

That would mean the government owns the children now, right? The parents have no saying anymore, what will come?