Tag Archives: trans kids

Lesley Stahl Left Nearly Speechless By Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Remark on Biden and Pedophiles…


Sexualizing kids in school is pedophilia, right? Ask yourself, can someone sexualizing kids on the street? Cann someone talk to kids about anal sex on the street?

Trans Face of New Hershey’s Campaign Blasts ‘Transphobic’ Response… after a transgender activist was made the face of Hershey’s new campaign to honor International Women’s Day, commentator Matt Walsh accused the individual in question of being a “vile, woman-hating extremist.”…

What is the definition of a women now days? A bio men can be women, but never went truth the growing up as a woman, female puberty, menstruation, etc… still have a penis, producing sperm, never have a menstruation, etc… right? Are women ok with that?

Pediatric surgeon: Operating on people with “gender dysphoria” is a gross violation of medical ethics


‘A medical atrocity’: Pediatric surgeon compares ‘gender transitions’ to Nazi experiments


When you as a doctor do this to minor, it’s a crime, right? When a doctor makes a gender transition who never had puberty, sex, the doctor takes away the natural growing and is this legal? When someone decides later as a young adult, it’s different because you went true the natural puberty and had already sex and the one knows he or she doesn’t like it.

To take the knowledge away from someone what is given by God in our Christan society, you are not a Christian, right?

Why the democrats support this gender change in minors, who doesn’t know to have sex or how the felling of sex is?

Again, you don’t like that they are doing this to our kids, vote Republican