Tag Archives: pedophile

Dad rips into school board over VILE teacher and his “Sexual Fantasy” assignments. He’s standing up for his daughter and every child in the classroom against a predator/groomer and an enabling school board…

This is illegal and a crime, right? What happen when someone talks at work to all the people like this?

Why not going to the police and make a report? Why is the police not arresting this kind of people?

Lesley Stahl Left Nearly Speechless By Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Remark on Biden and Pedophiles…


Sexualizing kids in school is pedophilia, right? Ask yourself, can someone sexualizing kids on the street? Cann someone talk to kids about anal sex on the street?

Mother leaves school board silent after reading SEX MATERIAL from library and classroom books that target children as young as 5…

This what democrats do and support in school, right? This is pedophilia, right?

Adam Schiff Named As ‘Person of Interest’ in VIP Child Sex Ring Investigation…

When someone has many pedophile friends, it would mean the person approves what the friend are doing, right? 99.99% when someone has pedophiles as friends the person is a pedophile too, otherwise they would not be friends, right?

Did Adam go to Epstein’s island?

Democrat Mayor Arrested for Possession of Child Pornography Met With Pelosi, Dalai Lama, Lady Gaga and Drank Beers With Pete Buttigieg



That would mean that he is a pedophile, right? Does the democrat party support this? It looks like everyone who supports Baal has something to do with little kids, right?

Democrats Vow to Redefine ‘Female’, ‘Pedophile’ and ‘Recession’

When it doesn’t fit with what we’re doing, we just change the meaning… is this legal?

The same with the word Vaccine, they changed it to the meaning, so does it fit with the covid-19 vaccine, and most people don’t even know this. It should be something good when they do this, and it should be anywhere in the news to let everyone know… it is not, that means they just doing it for them self…

Why they’re doing this, it doesn’t get better for the people life’s… everyone is more confused and more… Is it easier for the government to control the people when they’re confused already?